BRIKbc Projects
"provide access to anyone from anywhere in the world to own at least one BRIK in Real Estate Property"
Australian Real Estate Property available to all on the BlockChain
BRIKbc Digital Property Tokens provides entry access to Real Estate Property to all people from all walks of life
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BRIKbc Projects provides the platform to buy the unique initial Property Tokens linked to each Real Estate Property Token Series.
By focusing on presenting high quality luxury Real Estate Properties in blue-chip locations in Australia.
Each BRIK Token series represents one Real Estate Property Project.
Anyone around the globe can own at least one BRIK
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BRIKdolphin Property
Currently Available

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with Traditional Direct Real Estate Property Ownership
Long Purchase Process
Long process from purchase to settlement of property.
Lack of Transparency
The lack of transparency, frustration and honesty when buying and selling.
High Property Cost
High entry cost to buy property directly.
Minimum Property Cost in Brisbane, Australia US$400,000.
Cannot be easily sold.
Lack of potential Buyers.
Finance Capability
Traditional Bank finance capacity requirements are too rigorous by focusing on two main areas.
1. Income levels to service loan.
2. Generally you have to provide 20% of the purchase cost of the property, as banks will only lend 80% of the cost of the property.
Long Financing Approval Time Frame
Long process time to obtain Finance Approval.

High Transaction Costs
Transaction Costs to exchange Property.
Buying: Legals, Finance Costs, Government Purchase Taxes
Selling: Real Estate Agent Fees (between 2% - 6%), Legals, Finance Costs and Government Taxes.
Servicing Loan Inflexibility
Inability to change loan commitments if income received changes due to negative situations in life.
Only Fiat currency is accepted
Only fiat currency is accepted when purchasing the property.
Geographic Location Restriction
Restricted in locations where you have your Real Estate Properties in your portfolio.
Ownership Proportion
You either own 100% or 0% of the property.
Some people around the world have never had the chance to use a bank and build a credit rating.
Real Estate Property Portfolio with a blend of Crypto Currency
BRIKbc provides the platform to grow your Real Estate Property Portfolio and your Crypto Currency Portfolio at the same time where the net property rent is invested into major crypto currencies.
Residential Properties
BRIK Tokens series currently available to purchase
Queensland, Australia
Sunshine State - Beautiful one day, Perfect the next.

BRISBANE, Queensland (Olympic City 2032)
Inner City - North
Property Name: Koala
Token Series Name: $BRIKkoala
Token Price: US$80.00
Total Tokens for Sale: 33,000
Total Property Cost: US$2.6 million
Property Status: Established Home
Currently Available
BRIKkoala Counter
updated daily
Visual Counter >>> 1 Koala = 10,000 BRIKkoala Tokens
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GOLD COAST, Queensland (state)
Mermaid Beach/Miami Beach - Gold Coast
Property Name: Dolphin

Token Series Name: $BRIKdolphin
Token Price: US$80.00
Total Tokens for Sale: 33,000
Total Property Cost: US$2.6m
Property Status: New Build
Currently Available

Dolphin Counter
updated daily
Visual Counter >>> 1 Dolphin = 10,000 BRIKdolphin Tokens
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WHY buy a BRIK?
Minimum 1 BRIK
Minimum of one BRIK for under US$100
Bluechip Locations
Leverage of experience, local knowledge and local network in sourcing Property Projects in ideal locations.
Local Network
Local network of trusted relationships over many years involved directly and indirectly in the Real Estate industry
Long Term Holding
All Real Estate Properties are held long term to fully realise its full value.
Sale of Tokens on Secondary Market
Provides liquidity through secondary market to sell BRIKbc Tokens.
Crypto Assets
Net Rent from Property is invested monthly into major Crypto Currencies.
Crypto Currency Payment
Crypto currency payment for BRIKbc Tokens.
Geographic Diversity
Ability to diversify your Real Estate Property Portfolio across various geographical locations.
Internal Management of Assets
Both the Real Estate Property and Crypto Assets are managed internally by the BRIK related entities.
BRIKbc Tokens Model
BRIKbc Token Sales Process
Each BRIK series is sold as an initial BRIK Token sale on the BRIKbc Platform
1.New BRIK Tokens Series
Announcement is made when a new BRIK Token series is available for Purchase.
2.New BRIK Tokens available
BRIK Tokens go on sale when date is announced for each series.
3.All BRIK Series Tokens sold
Once all BRIK Tokens are sold, property will be purchased and settled
4. Holding of BRIK Tokens
All BRIK Tokens are held in BRIKbc Platform Token Wallet.

BRIK Token Series: <Name>

BRIKbc Property Process
The Purchase and Holding of Property
1. Purchase Property
2. Maintain Property & Invest Net Rent in Major Crypto Currencies
3. Asset Held Long Term

BRIKbc Token Value = ( Property Value + Crypto Currency Value) / Number of Total Tokens
Each BRIKbc Token is unique to its Specific Property Series
Join our BRIK Family Token Holders
Click here here to register in our BRIKbc Tokens Platform
See our Socials for latest news and videos.
Our Global Partners
Property Tokenisation Platform Provider
CoinSpot Exchange
Australian Crypto Currency Exchange
Ravencoin $RVN
Blockchain to BRIKbc Properties Token Series
NFT Marketpace
Where BRIKbc Purchases NFT Art pieces for its Real Estate Properties